December 14, 2017
Are you looking for a great gift for that hard to shop for person? Need something for someone who has everything – or thinks they do?
We’ve got your answer – give them the gift of their name on one of the ballast bricks that will be installed when Schooner Huron Jewel is launched.
You tell us what name (up to 20 characters) you would like on the brick and we’ll write it on before the brick is placed forever in the schooner’s keel.
It could be your father’s, best friend’s, your family’s name or in memory of someone such as your great grandfather who was a shipwright himself.
Or come to the launch party and write the name on the brick yourself!
The choice is yours and there are a few options for you to choose – check out our Brick page in the Shop and purchase “your” brick today!
Better hurry though as there’s only 300 bricks to be named.
– First Mate Julie
PS – right now they are on sale until January 15!