More decks, coachroof beams and boom gallows

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August 23, 2017

We’re moving steadily onward, despite a holiday going to Bay City to drive the schooner Appledore IV for 9 days. The deck has had its second layer of MDO plywood laid thanks to help from Rich Kriepe and Alan Hosler. The seams have been taped, the screw holes filled and all sanded in preparation for cloth.

We’ve been making coachroof beams for the cabin top, so as to get the sides of the cabin on so that the polyester cloth can go on the decks. Cedar paneling from John Tucker is about to be fastened to the bulkheads and varnished along with the beams.

I made a pair of side deck cleats, pictured at left, from osage orange wood to handle the one inch dock lines.

Tom Burkhart came up from southern Indiana to help with the telescopic wooden legs for the salon table, so it can be lowered to make a sleeping platform for two more crew. His daughter Katie also leant a hand with the all so important cleaning of the work areas.

Roger was up from Windsor and shaped the boom gallows for the main boom; this provides a steady rest to lash the boom to when the sail is down. Ans Julie has done a lot of sanding and painting, so even with me starting back to work at the hardware store and going to Bay City it has been a productive month.

Learn more about Schooner Huron Jewel at or stop by Schooner House at 38988 S McKenzie Pt Rd., Drummond Island, MI.

Want a tour? Tours are available by appointment or by chance. If we’re there we’re happy to give you a tour and answer your questions.

Directions: Take Johnswood Rd east, past Scammon Cove to McKenzie Pt Rd, turn right and go south one mile. Schooner House, the big white shrink wrap building, is on the right often with a Jeep or two parked there. The entrance is on the southeast side of the building.

Want to get involved? Give us a call (906-430-5854 or 906-440-5338) or stop by there’s plenty to do, no previous experience required.

– Captain Hugh

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