June 22, 2017
June has been busy like May was. The warmer weather and longer days have helped with the schooner project, though we have to watch the mixed epoxy a little closer and spread it out more quickly, because it cures faster with the warmer temperature. Often we are getting take-out for supper and spending a couple more hours working in the extended daylight.
Scott Roberts came over one morning and helped us hoist the engines in. Then our friend Bill helped Hugh with a lot of finagling to get the engines, transmission, shafts and propellers in and aligned. Thanks go to Rich Curtis and Dave Reike for getting a special sized socket turned so we could tighten the propellers.
Julie has been doing a lot of sanding, cleaning and painting, not to mention running to the hardware store for tools and parts (thanks again to Paul and Janice at Sune’s Do It Best Home Center on Drummond for all your support and contributions).
The last of the after deck beams have been glued in now that the engines and tanks are in place and the big 18” cleats have osage backing blocks to fasten to that are bolted in with 7 bolts apiece.
Cousin Steve Peine came up and made sense of the wiring harnesses on the engines and added wire to reach the instrument panel in the binnacle.
The mighty raw water intake strainer/valving system, made out of bronze parts and weighs about forty pounds is now mounted on the engine room bulkhead. The hose for it arrived and is hooked up.
The fuel valving and filtration system is mostly together – just waiting on fittings, numbers 49 and 50. It’s not as much of a bronze sculpture as the raw water manifold but there are a lot more hose and pipe connections – 18 to be exact.
The samson post and windlass mount are bolted in now and the forward deck beams are glued in place and painted.
One of the most visual advances is Huron Jewel’s name is now on the transom. It was painted by John Grenier of the Les Cheneaux Islands Art Gallery in Hessel. It’s a fantastic job and beautiful art.
The booms and gaffs have had their preliminary shaping and are inside the building now along with the bowsprit to dry a little more before final shaping.
Grant, the traditional sailmaker shop Gambell and Hunter in Maine, has his head down and is sewing away on the four lower sails, with a maintops’l and fisherman to come later for light air sails.
There are a couple more holes in the bottom of the boat now – the depth sounder located forward in the foc’scle and the water intake for the head.
The salon sole has been taken up, cleaned under and relaid and Julie has put on it several coats of oil finish. It looks great and as soon as it’s dry enough the galley counter can go in and the tanks resettled on their mounts.
Pretty soon it will be time for decking!
Learn more about Schooner Huron Jewel at www.ditallship.com or stop by Schooner House at 38988 S McKenzie Pt Rd., Drummond Island, MI. If we’re there we’re happy to answer your questions. Take Johnswood Rd east, past Scammon Cove to McKenzie Pt Rd, turn right and go south one mile. Schooner House, the big white shrink wrap building, is on the right often with a Jeep or two parked there. The entrance is on the southeast side of the building.
Want to get involved? Give us a call (906-440-5338) or stop by there’s plenty to do, no previous experience required.
– Captain Hugh