September 25, 2016
We’ve been making progress on the schooner this past month, scraping and sanding and laying more fiberglass cloth on the hull. The keel is growing: 24 layers of hard yellow pine boards and only 2 more to go.
Fifty pounds of lead went inside the aft part of the keep, and drilling fastener holes through the lead went a lot better with the proper kind of bit and shampoo for lubricant. I drilled holes for the ballast box through the bottom in preparation for setting the steel box that will hold 10,000 pounds of lead in place, as well as two holes 3 feet deep through the keel and bottom. Although we’re running a little behind schedule with fairing and painting, we still expect to turn the hull over this fall.
The rudder is starting to be laid out for fabrication and I’ll be cutting a hole for that, too, and casting a graphite bearing in place where the rudder shaft goes through the hull. Come visit and bring some sandpaper!
Discounted tickets for next year’s sailing season are now available for purchase online. Trips are available for 2 hour daysails, half-day river cruises, bed and breakfast stays, and five and ten day cruises. If you would like a longer trip give us a call and we’ll be happy to plan a trip for you.
– Captain Hugh